
The Rotherham Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (TRF) Workshop

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Streamer Proposal Options


Each Streamer Proposal section describes a different current fabric/system for either the Outpatient's Department (OPC) or Ward B6.
For each department, each current fabric/system is described in the first (already selected) option along with some other upgrade options.
Please select the one (only) upgrade option in each case which you believe will give the best payback over a 10 year period.

There is no cost budget or energy saving target.

Select only the options that you believe will combine to give the highest overall cost benefit.

Bear in mind that the building fabric and operating regime of the two departments are different.


Streamer Proposal: OPC - Heating Options:
Frenger heated ceilings with a small proportion of wet heating systems
Underfloor heating system

Streamer Proposal: OPC - Heating Controls Options:
Single temperature sensor heating control for whole zone
Individual room/area wireless temperature sensor heating controls

Streamer Proposal: OPC - Lighting Options:
Twin 6 foot 65W fluorescent T8, 4 x 18W modular fluorescent fittings and 38W 2 D fittings
LED 600x600mm 40W tile panel lighting and/or High Frequency T5 fluorescent fittings

Streamer Proposal: OPC - Lighting Automatic Controls Options:
No controls
Occupancy sensor control and dimmable options

Streamer Proposal: OPC - External Glazing Options:
Full height uPVC double glazed, bottom two panels opaque, insulated and blockwork to cill
Triple glazed units with greater natural light
Solar tinted glass or film
Solar shading

Streamer Proposal: OPC - Insulation Options:
Traditional masonry brick and block construction with Mineral insulation to external walls
Additional cavity insulation to external walls
Clad external walls with EWIS (External Wall Insulation System)

Ward B6

Streamer Proposal: Ward B6 - Heating Options:
Frenger heated ceilings with a small proportion of wet heating systems
Underfloor heating system

Streamer Proposal: Ward B6 - Heating Controls Options:
Single temperature sensor heating control for whole zone
Individual room/area wireless temperature sensor heating controls

Streamer Proposal: Ward B6 - Lighting Options:
5 foot 65W fluorescent T12, two rooms have 4 x 18W modular fluorescent fittings
LED 600x600mm 40W tile panel lighting and/or High Frequency T5 fluorescent fittings

Streamer Proposal: Ward B6 - Lighting Automatic Controls Options:
No controls
Occupancy sensor control and dimmable options

Streamer Proposal: Ward B6 - External Glazing Options:
Full height wooden framed single glazed, bottom two panels opaque, insulated and blockwork to cill
Triple glazed units with greater natural light
Solar tinted glass or film
Solar shading

Streamer Proposal: Ward B6 - Insulation Options:
25-50mm thick fibre glass insulation to ceilings and mineral insulation to external walls
100mm thick insulation to ceilings and additional cavity insulation to external walls
Clad external walls with EWIS (External Wall Insulation System)

When you have selected all of your options for this proposal press [Register and Simulate] (once only):

Then please do nothing until this webpage refreshes and you receive an email report on your selected options.
This may take several minutes depending on the size and complexity of the building.