Requirement role specifies a normative, definitive or descriptive expectation
Applicability role identifies a narrowing of scope
Selection roles identify a broadening of scope
Exception role identifies an elimination of scope
Normative: Every blue except light blue rectangular door or window excluding shop-fronts unless in London or temporary and removed daily shall be fireproof and soundproof unless a roof-light .
Definitive: Every blue except light blue rectangular door or window excluding shop-fronts unless in London or temporary and removed daily is defined as fireproof and soundproof unless a roof-light .
Descriptive: Every blue except light blue rectangular door or window excluding shop-fronts unless in London or temporary and removed daily is fireproof and soundproof unless a roof-light .
RASE has mainly been applied to normative documents such as regulations, requirements and standards.
Normative documents sometimes contain definitions.
How often does a Selection section or phrase occur ?